Think Piece
The Think Piece Podcast
Operating With Your Values

Operating With Your Values

Are you talking the talk or walking the walk when it comes to the values you preach in your business?

Are you talking the talk or walking the walk when it comes to the values you preach in your business?

The business owners I look up to and the entrepreneurs I coach tend to be the kind of people who started their own businesses because they weren’t satisfied with the status quo. Traditional 9-5 employment didn’t work for us! The final straw might have been our health, our family needs, or our passion, but these deciding factors usually link back to our core values as people. We want to live differently and we want to create more possibility than we see in our current marketplace.

But when starting or scaling a business, we tend to focus our energy and creativity on the big, forward-facing decisions:

How do I want to market my work?
How do I ethically engage with my customers?
How can my business support my community?
How can my business support me in living the life I want to live?

We want our businesses to speak our values to the world! But what about the less glamorous decisions? What about the operational decisions that happen behind closed doors?

Operations aren’t very sexy and it is easy to default to what feels familiar or what appears “standard” in our field. But, if we aren’t questioning the status quo, we are missing an opportunity to practice our values!

So, this week on the podcast, I am going behind the scenes to look at some of the basic operational decisions that could use a makeover. From project management, to pricing, to hiring, let’s take a look at what each seemingly small decision communicates about the values that our business is founded on.

Tune in this week and get ready to take a closer look at what your work week says about you!


4:31– Forward-facing values vs. behind-the-scenes values

13:14– Applying your values to hiring

19:23– Pricing transparency

21:02– Time off and the 4-Day Work Week experiment

29:06– Project management

Think Piece
The Think Piece Podcast
Where founders, creators, coaches, and curious minds build the future of online business.